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Hard Surface Modeling course
Course Introduction (1:03)
Chapter 1 - Concept Blockout
Lesson 001 - Setting up Reference Images (15:05)
Lesson 002 - Horizontal Cylinder (8:33)
Lesson 003 - Vertical Cylinder Bottom (5:29)
Lesson 004 - Vertical Cylinder Top (14:58)
Lesson 005 - Body Front (15:11)
Lesson 006 A - Loop Tools and F2 and Flipped Normals (4:34)
Lesson 006 B - Body Back (24:32)
Lesson 007 - Color IDs (2:55)
Lesson 008 - Undercarriage part 1 (Object Color IDs) (4:08)
Lesson 009 - Undercarriage part 2 (Start with what is visible) (4:33)
Lesson 010 - Undercarriage part 3 (Determining the correct shape) (3:48)
Lesson 011 - Undercarriage part 4 (Double Vertices) (8:00)
Lesson 012 - Undercarriage part 5 (Knife Tool and Loop Tools Flatten) (6:44)
Lesson 013 - Intake (Inset Boundary option) (5:02)
Lesson 014 - Lower Hind Legs part 1 (mixing different Bevel methods) (6:14)
Lesson 015 - Lower Hind Legs part 2 (Solidify and extrude along normals) (9:59)
Lesson 016 - Upper Hind Legs part 1 (Another bevel method and Boolean slices) (9:48)
Lesson 017 - Upper Hind Legs part 2 (Copy modifiers, Linked Duplicates) (5:41)
Lesson 018 - Fabric covered Joint (Tool basics and Sculpting in Blender 4.3) (9:02)
Lesson 019 - Fabric covered Joint (Practical example) (9:33)
Lesson 020 - Quad View (3:32)
Lesson 021 - Front Leg part 1 (Side parts and Local transformations) (7:04)
Lesson 022 - Front Leg part 2 (Middle part and Solidify modifier) (8:42)
Lesson 023 - Front Leg part 3 (Extra Object add-on and Skin modifier) (10:29)
Lesson 024 - Front Leg part 4 (Bevel from sharp to soft) (11:23)
Lesson 025 - Front Leg part 5 (Boolean cuts) (3:24)
Lesson 026 - Front Leg part 6 (Combining Selection modes) (11:42)
Lesson 027 - Front Leg Foot and Knee Joints (Extrude Manifold) (11:09)
Lesson 028 - Finishing the front leg (7:00)
Lesson 029 - Mirroring and Copy Attributes menu (3:17)
Lesson 030 - Foot (12:54)
Lesson 031 - Railings (7:26)
Lesson 032 - Pipes (7:05)
Lesson 033 - Mirroring Duplicating and Rotating the legs (6:57)
Lesson 034 - Cylinder along Pipe (two methods) (9:04)
Lesson 035 - More Cylinders (5:05)
Lesson 036 - Turret Camera (Proportional Falloff) (5:02)
Lesson 037 - Adjusting railing (Active Element Transform) (3:05)
Lesson 038 - Additional handholds (3:24)
Lesson 039 - Turret engine (5:29)
Lesson 040 - Final bits (6:45)
Chapter 2 - Retopology
Lesson 041 - Subdiv Theory - Cylinder Caps (11:26)
Lesson 042 - Subdiv Theory - Why Retopo? Concept versus Production model (11:17)
Lesson 043 - Subdiv Theory - How to model Sharp Corners (2:15)
Lesson 044 - Retopo of Cylinders (Hole in side of Cylinder) (8:57)
Lesson 045 - Retopo of Cylinders (Rectangular hole in front of Cylinder) (6:48)
Lesson 046 - Retopo of Cylinders (Round holes) (1:56)
Lesson 047 - Retopo of Cylinders (Rear Cylinder) (7:44)
Lesson 048 - Retopo of Cylinders (Holes in rear Cylinder) (6:33)
Lesson 049 - Retopo of Cylinders (Triangular detail) (3:32)
Lesson 050 - Body Back - Getting started (4:49)
Lesson 051 - Body Back - Connecting the dots (6:24)
Lesson 052 - Body Back - Evenly Distributed Faces (5:19)
Lesson 053 - Body Back - Triple Edging (2:41)
Lesson 054 - Body Back - Fixing N-gons (8:40)
Lessons 055 - Railing Connection 1 (10:03)
Lessons 056 - Railing Connection 2 (5:51)
Lessons 057 - Redoing The Railing (6:24)
Lessons 058 - Small Round Holes (4:40)
Lessons 059 - Capsule Shaped Holes Boolean (11:21)
Lessons 060 - Capsule Shaped Holes Clean-Up (7:03)
Lesson 061 - Small topology reduction (3:58)
Lesson 062 - Panel Cuts and boolean adjustments (8:56)
Lesson 063 - Separating Panels (4:18)
Lesson 064 - Connecting Vertices (11:53)
Lesson 065 - Adding Loops for more evenly distributed Quads (3:21)
Lesson 066 - Adding the rims (10:11)
Lesson 067 - Triple Edge Panel 1 (9:24)
Lesson 068 - Triple Edge Panel 2 (5:09)
Lesson 069 - Triple Edge Panel 3 (17:15)
Lesson 070 - Triple Edge Panel 4 (10:14)
Lesson 071 - Triple Edge Panel 5 (9:36)
Lesson 072 - Triple Edge Panel 6 (5:08)
Lesson 073 - Body Front Mirror (3:36)
Lesson 074 Front detail - hole (2:24)
Lesson 075 Front detail - diagonal shape part 1 (5:50)
Lesson 076 Front detail - diagonal shape part 2 (9:43)
Lesson 077 - Turret Bottom part 1 (cutting holes) (11:08)
Lesson 078 - Turret Bottom part 2 (shrinkwrap and more) (10:09)
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Lesson 079 - Turrett Top part 1 (4:35)
Lesson 080 - Turret Top Part 2 (Front hole) (6:16)
Lesson 081 - Turret Top Part 3 (Panel Cuts) (9:34)
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Lesson 042 - Subdiv Theory - Why Retopo? Concept versus Production model
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