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Blender Secrets e-Book
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Download the e-Book PDF and videos
Read in your browser: Modeling, Booleans, Low Poly, Cables and pipes
Read in your browser: Sculpting, Retopology, Unwrapping, Materials, Baking
Read in your browser: Architecture, Environments, Characters, Clothing
Read in your browser: Grease Pencil, Modifiers, Rigging, Animation, Simulations
Read in your browser: Lights, Camera, Render, BNPR, Compositing, UI and Workflow tips
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Recent New Topics
Double Subdivision Modeling Method (20:05)
N-Gon and Subdiv modeling Tips (0:33)
Tissue Add-on: Experiment 2 (updated) (9:46)
Clever way to add Support Loops (Updated) (2:07)
Modeling Basics
Loop Cut and Slide Tips (0:59)
Turn vertices into holes (5:51)
Perfect Holes with Quad Topology in Curved Surfaces (6:58)
Image to 3D geometry using Knife Project (8:51)
10 ways to make holes (2:55)
Support Loops (0:56)
Select Connected Faces (0:26)
Inset individual faces (0:05)
Make selections circular with To Sphere (0:50)
How to use Shade Auto Smooth in Blender 4.3 (2:01)
Concave Bevel Profile (0:30)
Make connected holes and smooth surfaces with Bridge (0:55)
Make a coffee mug handle - Extrude to Cursor (0:51)
Slide Vertices Along Edges (0:19)
Modeling using Spin (0:59)
Shrink / Fatten (0:42)
Convert Triangles to Quads (0:13)
Move Edge Loops Without Destroying Your UV Layout (0:21)
Scale Tubes and Pipes Proportionally (0:38)
Knife Project (1:01)
Offset Edge Slide (0:55)
Flatten Faces (0:45)
Collapse Edges (0:57)
Crease Edges (1:55)
Symmetrize (0:42)
Angle Constraint (0:36)
Randomize Transform (1:23)
Sphere With Quads (0:52)
Sliding Vertices to where there's no edge (0:25)
Extrude faces along Normals (1:08)
Using Empties For Transformations And Mirroring (1:36)
Import Reference Images For Modeling (1:12)
Select Rows Of Faces Easily And Quickly (0:42)
Separate a part of the mesh (0:27)
Moving edge loops to center (0:31)
F2 Add-on (0:45)
Easily fix Edge Loops (0:36)
Rip Fill (0:26)
Dissolve Edges (0:30)
Bisect tool (0:53)
Mirror without a mirror modifier (0:51)
Smooth Shortcuts and Round Cubes (0:45)
Snapping in Blender 4.0 (Snap to Base Point) (1:22)
Selecting faces by size (0:32)
Boundary Protection - 6 ways to add support loops (1:01)
3 Scaling Tips you may not know! (1:01)
3 inset modeling tips (0:30)
5 Reasons your Bevel may not be working (1:01)
5 ways to add Vertices (1:01)
The Scale Cage (1:15)
3 ways to Flatten Faces (0:45)
3 ways to Smoothen areas (0:50)
Clever way to add Support Loops (2:07)
3 ways to Straighten Edge Loops (0:54)
Edge Flow add-on (0:39)
2 ways to Dissolve Edges (0:30)
Connected Proportional Editing (0:47)
The Weld Modifier (0:29)
How to use Creasing (0:45)
Interactive Primitives (0:46)
Modeling with Primitives (0:56)
Car Modeling Basics part 1 - Reference (6:13)
Car Modeling Basics part 2 - Mirror modifier (0:42)
Car Modeling Basics part 3 (0:57)
Loop Tools Curve and GStretch (1:03)
Loop Tools Relax Space and Flatten (1:01)
Loop Tools Bridge, Loft and Circle (1:01)
Select Linked - Every option explained (1:00)
N-Gon and Subdiv modeling Tips (0:33)
Cylinder with Holes / Barrel (1:01)
Camera Projection modeling part 1 - fSpy to Blender (0:55)
Camera Projection modeling part 2 - Create an Environment (0:59)
Modeling from Photos with the Knife Tool - Basics (0:59)
Modeling from Photos - Why is my texture distorted? (0:45)
Super Quick Circular Array (0:24)
How to use Edge Slide (0:40)
Triangular Fill Method (0:45)
3D Scanning with Meshroom and Blender (0:59)
Custom Transform Orientation (0:59)
Twisted Bridge With LoopTools Add-On (1:00)
Linked Duplicates (1:42)
Clipping Border (0:53)
Inset Boundary (0:56)
Limited Dissolve (Make a Sci-fiSphere) (1:43)
Cast Modifier (Or How To Make Another Weird Sphere) (1:45)
Tissue Add-on: Experiment 1 (1:56)
Tissue Add-on: Experiment 2 (9:46)
How to use Nasa's free models and textures (1:25)
Bevel Tips - Miter Outer, Poles and more (1:49)
Quad Topology Tips (0:59)
Circular hole in a sphere (0:59)
Unsubdivide and poke faces (0:59)
Making a microphone mesh with modifiers (0:58)
Circular Array of Cubes (0:59)
Modeling Propeller Blades (1:01)
Array along a path (0:31)
Discombobulator (0:59)
Align Car Rim Parts (0:54)
Filling many holes at once (0:47)
Making welds in two ways (0:49)
Making a screw the easy way (0:55)
Math Mesh add-on (0:56)
Modeling with math (0:48)
Hide vertices from editing in Edit Mode (0:35)
Balloon Text (1:00)
Make balloon objects with Cloth pressure (0:57)
Two ways to unsubdivide (0:30)
Add an Edge Loop on triangles (0:26)
Make a pipe with cloth wrinkles (0:59)
Metaball Array (0:55)
Group instances (0:58)
Basics of Nurbs modeling (1:58)
Text on a Curve (0:33)
Modeling with Hard Surface Normal Stamps (0:59)
Create your own Hard Surface Normal Stamps (0:55)
Modeling holes with Quad topology (0:50)
Perfect topology on Curved surfaces (1:01)
Do you know all 5 of these Bevel methods? (1:01)
Turn N-gon pipes into Quad pipes in a couple of clicks! (1:01)
Easily Extrude Thick Panels (1:01)
Grease Pencil Strokes to Mesh (1:01)
Wrapping hard surface meshes on surfaces (1:25)
Modeling Circular Hard Surface Detail (1:30)
Modeling Sci-fi Greebles on a Sphere (1:30)
Complex Mode for Solidify Modifier (0:49)
Easy Non-Destructive Panel Cuts (1:18)
Custom Fonts in Blender (1:01)
Non-destructive bridge (0:59)
Surface patch from Curves (0:27)
Model an airplane wing (0:59)
Beveling and Tapering Curves (0:59)
Filling complex N-gon shapes like leaves (1:00)
Using the remesh modifier on a flat plane (0:48)
Convert Normal Map to Geometry (for 3D printing) (0:51)
The default cubes strike back! (easy tank tracks) (0:52)
Circular Array using Screw modifier (0:58)
Circular Array using Instancing (0:49)
Fast Circular Array (0:25)
Circular Array using Empty (5:45)
Auto Weld Vertices (0:30)
Make an arch using the Warp tool (0:55)
Model shapes with Screw modifier (0:24)
Find the triangles in a dense mesh (0:32)
Kitbashing details (0:59)
Easy hard surface details using Floaters (1:01)
Baking Floaters to Normal maps (1:01)
Array of Floaters (1:01)
The Fastest Boolean Workflow (1:05)
Fixing Boolean Issues (0:53)
Modeling a scifigun with Carver (0:58)
Modeling Broken Pillars (1:29)
Slice Cuts (0:43)
Boolean Basics: Non-Destructive Workflow (7:40)
How To Use the Bool Tool Add-on (1:04)
3 ways to Slice objects (1:01)
Modeling Clothing
Cloth Simulation Sewing basics (0:59)
Posed Cloth Simulation for Sculpting (0:59)
Mixing Armatures and Simulations for Clothing (1:18)
Detailed Clothes simulated Easily (1:01)
Model a Simple Dress (1:12)
Modeling Stitches (1:02)
Modeling clothes (0:45)
Model a Skirt using Select Next Active (0:27)
Interactively adjust cloth sims (0:57)
Seams to Sewing Pattern (1:00)
Ruffled Skirts (12:58)
Marvelous Designer-like Cloth Pulling (16:14)
Architecture modeling
Create Decorative Edges on sofas and cushions (1:31)
How to make Custom Bevel Profiles (0:40)
Modeling a designer door handle with Knurl Pattern (0:51)
Modeling a window (0:45)
Chair modeling: Wireframe backrest (0:59)
Extruding complex shapes (0:54)
Align three furniture legs (0:59)
Easy Pillow using the Cloth modifier (1:01)
How to make diamond tufting patterns (6:25)
Modeling folds in cloth (0:59)
How To Make A Curtain In One Minute (2:00)
Make a curtain using Shape Keys and a Cloth simulation (2:00)
Apply Shape keys and Cloth sim (0:34)
8 Tips for modeling Decorative Elements (0:58)
Model a Spiral Staircase (0:59)
Model a basket using modifiers (0:52)
Medieval Tower with Wall Factory (0:58)
Extrude at 90° angles using Shear (0:50)
Drawing tapered ornamental details on surfaces (0:51)
Ornament Modeling with Custom Curve Bevels (0:50)
Nature Modeling
Draw in 3D with Grease Pencil and Convert to Mesh (1:01)
Draw in 3D with Grease Pencil - Part 2 - Sculpting (1:01)
Easily Create Textured Mountains (0:50)
Create the Earth’s Moon (4:11)
Creating Clouds using Mesh to Volume (0:45)
G Scatter - Free Geometry Nodes-based scatter add-on (0:57)
Scatter Add-on (0:48)
Another Noise Tool (0:48)
Node-based tree modeling (19:12)
MTree node-based tree add-on Materials and presets (0:52)
Easy Tree Wind Animation with free Mtree add-on (0:59)
Easy tree and leaves wind animation with Sapling (1:00)
Make a forest (0:57)
Custom Tree or Plant part 1 - The Trunk (0:39)
Custom Tree or Plant part 2 - The Twigs (0:57)
Custom Tree or Plant part 3 - The Leaves (0:43)
Mixing 3D scanned and node-based Trees (0:59)
Mixing photogrammetry and hand-made trunks (0:57)
Selecting lots of tiny things (0:48)
Add ivy with IvyGen add-on (3:30)
Billboard with Normal Maps (1:33)
Low Poly modeling
Low-poly tree in one minute (0:59)
Even lower poly tree (0:59)
Low poly typography (1:00)
When to rotate edges (0:33)
Cables, Pipes, Ropes
Drawing cables on surfaces (0:33)
How To Make Pipes (2:51)
Tubetool add-on (0:55)
Pipe Nightmare add-on (0:52)
Detailed Cylinder Using Modifiers (1:01)
Easy Textured Pipes (0:59)
Start and End Caps (0:53)
How to add multiple cables at once (0:59)
Hanging cables (Catenary Curves) (0:47)
Model a Rope along a Curve (1:01)
Create Corrugated Pipes (0:55)
Cable Physics (0:55)
Cables with collision (0:36)
Grappling hook and rope physics (0:41)
Adding Cables with Physics that are attached to moving objects (1:01)
Textured Cable with Physics connected to objects (1:01)
Complex Rope Mesh Physics with the Surface Deform modifier (1:01)
Creating a Base Mesh using the Trim Lasso tool (1:04)
Create a Sculpting base mesh with the Skinify add-on (1:01)
Create a Sculpting base mesh with Metaballs (6:42)
Sculpting Adding Detail (0:59)
Sculpting with Textures and Stencils (0:56)
Creating a Robot base mesh with Voxel remesh (1:00)
Sculpting a robot concept (1:00)
Face Sets (1:00)
Hard Surface Sculpting: Refining the rough sculpt (1:00)
Hard Surface Sculpting: Masking and Mesh Filter (1:00)
Hard Surface Sculpting: Using Curves (1:00)
Hard Surface Sculpting: Dyntopo (1:00)
Sculpting Sword Details Using Alpha Textures (1:01)
Creating Alphas for Sculpting (1:00)
Sculpting details using Masking (1:01)
Placing Hard Surface Details in Sculpt Mode (1:01)
Radial Symmetry in Sculpt Mode (1:01)
Using the Layer Brush (1:01)
Inflate Mesh Filter (1:01)
Extruding in Sculpt Mode (1:01)
Sculpting Tentacles with Snake Hook and Curve Stroke Method (1:01)
Seamless Tiling Sculpting (1:01)
Zbrush-like Morph Target in Blender (1:16)
Mask Extract (1:01)
Line Project (1:01)
Voxel and Quad Remesh in Sculpt Mode (0:55)
Pose Brush (0:43)
Sculpting Auto Masking with Cavity (1:48)
Creating VDM brushes in Blender 4 (20:55)
Sculpting with Vector Displacement Maps - the VDM brush (1:02)
Baking Vector Displacement Maps (1:01)
Slicing Objects in Sculpt Mode (1:04)
Slicing Objects using Face Sets (1:01)
How to make stylized ripples (0:55)
Creating a Robot Helmet in Sculpt Mode (11:25)
Sculpting Clothing
Sculpt clothing folds with the Cloth Brush (0:57)
Cloth Brush Tips and Tricks (0:58)
8 Types of Cloth Brush Deformation (0:59)
Cloth Sculpting with Masks, Face Sets and the Cloth Filter (1:01)
Making a Padded Jacket using the Expand feature (1:06)
Solving Edge Flow problems (0:59)
Retopology tips - Settings (0:59)
Retopology tips - Creating geometry and the F2 add-on (1:00)
Retopology tips - LoopTools and Zbrush-like Smoothing (1:00)
Retopology tips - The magic of Grid Fill (0:59)
Retopology tips - How to retopo (0:54)
Bevel and Crease Hard Surface Panels (0:59)
Quick topology fix for ugly edges (0:59)
Retopology Visibility Tip: Draw Xray (0:59)
Fixing Shrinkwrap Problems (1:00)
Copy / Paste Geometry for Faster Modeling (0:51)
BSurfaces - Drawing Retopology with Annotation (1:01)
Use BSurfaces with Grease Pencil to sketch geometry (1:01)
Easy trick to turn N-gons and Triangles into Quads (1:01)
The Poly Build Tool (0:43)
Reconstruct Lower Subdivisions from a 3D scan (0:43)
UV Unwrapping
Tips for Marking Seams (1:02)
Unwrap like a pro using Live Unwrap (0:59)
UV Unwrapping hard surface panels (0:54)
UV Unwrapping Transfer and pack UV’s (0:50)
Solving 3 common texture & UV issues (0:39)
Stitch UV's (0:54)
Unwrap a Cup - Follow Active Quads (1:38)
Exporting the UV Layout (2:32)
Project from View - avoiding stretched UV’s (0:51)
Easy Straight Unwrapping (0:47)
Mirror UV-maps (0:27)
Combine UVs from Multiple Objects (0:55)
UDIM - Monster-sized textures (1:00)
UV Unwrapping Cylindrical Objects like a Cyber Donut (1:01)
Easily mark seams on complex shapes (0:41)
Easy rigging of clothes in 30 seconds (0:36)
Ragdoll Rigging part 1 - The easy method (0:52)
Ragdoll Rigging part 2 - More Realistic Joints (0:52)
Ragdoll Rigging part 3 - Connecting it to an Armature (0:39)
Ragdoll Rigging part 4 - Mixing with Mocap (11:43)
Install and use Rigid Bodys Generator add-on (0:52)
Automatic Muscle Deformations (2:02)
Rigging a simple character with Rigify (1:49)
Auto-Rigging with Mixamo (0:48)
Rigify FK to IK Snap (0:57)
Rigging a paper plane (1:00)
Adding Props To Your Character (like a stylish hat) (2:19)
Rigging With Separate Objects Or Not? (1:46)
Bendy Bones (0:59)
Bendy Bones part 2 (0:53)
Reference for animating animals (0:34)
Better rigging with extra edge loops (0:36)
Action Bone constraint (0:51)
Auto IK (Inverse Kinematics) (0:27)
Manually Rigging Legs (0:59)
Adding extra bones (1:02)
Manually fixing weight paint issues (0:54)
Blending actions (0:25)
Constraints and Physics (0:59)
Constraint transfer (0:47)
The nuts and bolts of Transformation Constraints (0:55)
Robot Rigging Part 1 - The Armature (1:01)
Robot Rigging Part 2 Parenting to Bones (1:01)
Robot Rigging Part 3 Constraints (1:01)
Adding Objects to a rigged Character (1:01)
How to have a character interact with Physics Simulations (2:55)
How to have a character interact with an object (1:01)
How to change any pose to T-pose for retargeting (1:01)
Easy Piston Rigging (1:00)
Adding and rigging a tail for your character (0:53)
Manually Paint Edge Wear (0:42)
Texture Painting with Quick Edit and Krita (0:50)
Texture Clone Painting (0:35)
Texture Clone Painting - Clone from one object to another (0:55)
Texture Painting Basics (0:54)
Texture Painting with Custom Brushes (1:01)
Texture Painting with Gradients (0:45)
Adding Bump Height to Texture Masks (1:01)
Texturing a head (2:52)
Make Seamless Textures Easily In Gimp (0:43)
My Painting Workflow In Blender (1:37)
How to use Leaf textures (0:59)
Texture Painting with Stencils (0:45)
Texture mixing (0:36)
Rust Texture that works on any object in Eevee (0:41)
Texturing a cyberpunk computer with photos (0:57)
Fixing missing textures (0:52)
One-click texturing with Dream UV (0:59)
Turn a Photograph into a Tiling Texture (1:00)
Create an Albedo texture in Blender (0:59)
Seamless textures in one click with Anti-Seam (0:55)
Texture Ripper (0:50)
Blending objects using Rust with the Ambient Occlusion node (1:01)
Mixing Shader Masks with Displacement Maps (1:01)
Micro-displacement (1:29)
Higher realism through imperfections (0:58)
Procedural bump maps (0:52)
Texturing wthout UV-Unwrapping (0:34)
Drag And Drop Materials (1:06)
Import Images As Planes Add-On (2:53)
Using Shrink Wrap To Project A Sticker To A Surface (1:49)
Glass Transparency With Alpha Channel (1:26)
Double-sided material (0:36)
Add a decal using only nodes (0:42)
Glass in Eevee (0:52)
Quickly Add Material Nodes With Node Wrangler Add-On (0:37)
Easy PBR Textures With Node Wrangler (1:56)
Node Presets (0:45)
Material Basics: Pointiness (1:04)
Material Basics: Snow (0:46)
How to use normal maps (0:40)
Bump maps or Normal maps? (0:40)
Random colors with the Object Info node (0:30)
Easy wireframe shader (1:00)
Select materials from characters (0:53)
Using Empties to control textures (0:42)
Single-sided Emission shader (0:37)
Emission shader in Eevee (0:48)
Rotate box-mapped textures (0:52)
Using the Separate RGB Node (0:54)
Substance Material Add-on for Blender (1:03)
How to bake Bevel and Occlusion maps (0:59)
Blur Node (0:59)
Substance Painter-like Edge Wear Effects (1:01)
Dirty Metal material (0:41)
Append free materials (0:35)
Perfect Displacement maps with low poly models (0:59)
Low-poly hair cards (1:00)
Procedural Leather Material (0:51)
Wireframe Effect using modifiers (0:55)
Random colors using nodes (0:59)
The Reroute Node (0:49)
How to avoid Texture stretching (0:54)
Baking Normal Maps from the Multires Modifier (0:59)
Baking Displacement maps (0:59)
Bake 3D scan textures to Low Poly meshes (0:52)
Baking normal maps (0:59)
Baking textures with the free TexTools add-on (0:41)
Make a Normal Map using a Matcap (0:48)
Baking with a Cage (0:59)
Baking Displacement from Camera View (0:59)
Modeling from Photos - Face Builder (0:59)
Easy Anime Hair (0:54)
Create characters in just a few clicks in Blender (2:08)
How to Model Stylized Hair (1:00)
Grease Pencil
Grease Pencil Basics (1:58)
Grease Pencil for Concept Art
2D Animation Quick Start (1:18)
2D Animation From 3D Animation (1:55)
Grease Pencil Build Modifier (0:49)
Grease Pencil Sculpt Stroke Thickness (1:21)
Curve Tool in Grease Pencil (1:32)
Grease Pencil Stroke Interpolation (1:19)
Grease pencil guides (0:50)
Grease pencil cutter tool (0:48)
Installing textured brushes (0:59)
Creating custom textured brushes (0:59)
Draw Grease Pencil On Surfaces without offset distance issues (1:53)
How to use the Grease Pencil Drawing Plane Canvas option (1:19)
Array modifier with object offset (0:53)
Corrective smooth modifier (0:48)
Toggle Subdivision Levels (0:19)
Apply All Modifiers At Once (0:42)
Add hooks and Laplacian Deformer (1:47)
Lattice Deform Modifier (0:57)
Weird stuff with the Build Modifier (0:59)
Mesh Deform modifier (0:59)
Weighted Normals modifier (0:43)
Editing Normals: Data Transfer (0:59)
Smooth Edges with Average Normals (0:32)
Smooth Edges with harden normals (0:35)
UV Project modifier (0:51)
3 ways to Bounce a Ball (0:52)
Animated Flag (0:41)
Slow-motion Cloth Simulation (0:32)
Copy Animation From One Object To Another (1:00)
Perpetual Controlled Speed Tire Rotation (0:54)
Easily Animate Objects With Lattices (0:59)
Animate A Fish Without Rigging (0:54)
Using Empty To Animate Displacement Modifier In A Loop (1:51)
Dupliverts For Motion Graphics (2:18)
Shape Keys: Join As Shapes (0:28)
How To Launch A Cube (1:12)
Copy animation and Edit separately (0:56)
Easy animated leaves (0:56)
Camera rotation without keyframes (0:44)
Pulsating light without keyframes (0:42)
Wiggle Expression (0:25)
Liquid Colorful Text Reveal Motion Graphics (1:00)
Shoelace animation (0:59)
Using Sound to animate objects (0:50)
How to control the speed of image sequences (0:54)
Character Animation
Importing Mixamo character animation in Blender (0:39)
Mixamo walk cycle and how to create an Action from keyframes (0:47)
Combining Mixamo Animations (0:59)
Adjusting Mixamo animation in Blender (0:52)
Cleaning up mocap and adding an adjustment layer (0:59)
Retargeting with the free Rokoko add-on (0:54)
Two-handed grip animation using Inverse Kinematics (0:59)
Shape Keys: Basics (0:59)
Simple Character Walk Cycle (2:00)
Character Walking Along a Path (0:59)
Shape keys for facial expressions (0:46)
Facial Expressions (0:46)
Walk cycle markers (0:45)
Motion Paths (1:44)
Rotating your character (0:47)
Nature Animation
Flowing water with Flow Maps (0:50)
Animating clouds with Flow Maps (1:00)
Moving Cloud Shadows (1:00)
Animated growing Plant (3:22)
Grass moving in the wind (2:30)
Asteroid field (0:59)
Simulations, Hair and Particles
OpenVDB Quickstart (0:49)
Vacuum Packing Objects using Cloth Pressure (0:51)
Boat Floating on Ocean Waves (0:58)
Rain with Dynamic Paint (1:42)
Seamlessly Looping Ocean (0:58)
Particles Follow A Path (0:51)
Quick Hair / Fur and How to Comb and Weight Paint (2:17)
2 Types Of Quick Fluids (1:38)
Quickly Fracture Stuff (1:27)
More Fracture Stuff! (1:36)
Slow motion particles (0:34)
How to use the hair shader (1:00)
How to set the centre of weight in a rigid body (0:54)
Volumetric Cloud (0:58)
Fluid Simulations part 1 (basics) (0:59)
Fluid Simulations part 2 (finetuning) (0:59)
Connecting things for simulations (0:39)
Heroic Default Cube (0:57)
Reveal a Photo with a Physics sim (0:58)
Fun with Planks (Rigid Bodies) (0:59)
Cell Fracture Explosion (1:03)
Cell Fracture Inner Material (0:24)
Annotate Cell Fracture (0:56)
More realistic destruction and collision detection (0:47)
Exploding Default Cube (0:48)
Distribute Weight of a Rigid Body (0:54)
Hide cracks pre-fracture (0:58)
Cell Fracture Basics (0:59)
Quick Mantaflow Explosion (0:43)
How to make chains (0:48)
Ocean Modifier basics (0:58)
Ocean shader with Foam (1:00)
Make a Dancing Hair Monster with Hair Dynamics (0:59)
Quick Liquid with Spray, Foam and Bubbles (0:59)
Particles along a curve with random colors in Eevee (1:00)
Liquid stream following a curve (0:53)
Quickly Set Up HDRI Lighting (0:43)
Sunset Timelapse with Sky Texture (0:50)
How to use IES lights (1:01)
Camera Tips
Different cameras per viewport & adjusting lights (0:44)
3 Camera Tips (0:42)
Easily make smooth camera moves (0:59)
Camera Shift (0:38)
Camera track to constraint (0:30)
Camera turnaround (1:03)
Camera switching while rendering (0:55)
Camera crane rig add-on (0:54)
Set Viewport to Camera View (0:37)
Fly Mode (0:49)
Render Tips
Improve Multires Performance (1:01)
Faster Render Times (0:52)
Cycles Rendering Basics (1:05)
Added realism with Textured Lights (0:59)
More Realistic Renders in Cycles and Eevee using Gobos (1:01)
Create masks with Holdout collections (0:39)
Shallow Depth of Field in Eevee (0:59)
Bevel Node (0:44)
Use HDRI only for foregrounds (0:34)
How to use motion blur (0:50)
Easy Animated Volumetric Fog in Eevee (1:01)
Easy animated fog in Cycles (0:56)
Shadow Catcher in Cycles (0:30)
Keyframe render visibility (0:53)
Viewport Animation Render (0:59)
Quickly open your renders in a browser (0:23)
Track Billboards to the camera (0:33)
Particle System Billboards (0:52)
Optimize Environment Scenes with the LOD add-on (1:00)
Proxies for Image Sequences on Planes (1:00)
Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)
Basic Toon Shader (0:53)
Easy Outline with inverted hull (0:53)
Control outline thickness (0:48)
Sketchy moving toon outline (0:59)
Anime-style Ramen Bowl (1:00)
Inverted Hull Outline in Cycles (1:06)
Line Art Modifier (Basics) (1:00)
Line Art Modifier (Noise) (1:01)
Line Art Modifier (Baking) (1:01)
Pixelated Renders (0:45)
Correctly display pixel art textures (0:31)
Freestyle calligraphy render (0:57)
Pencil lines with freestyle (0:38)
Easily Add Camera Movement To A 2D Painting (1:34)
Cut-out Animation (0:44)
Anime tree in Krita and Blender (0:48)
Low poly texture atlas (1:00)
Rendering passes as separate files (0:51)
Render Passes (1:08)
Compositing: Mist pass (0:59)
Compositing: Cryptomatte (0:53)
Compositing: Color Correction (0:42)
Compositing: Vignette (0:59)
Workflow Tips
2 tips for navigating in a big environment scene (0:39)
Flip Node (0:37)
Top 3 solutions to Blender issues (0:47)
Make linked duplicates unique with one click (0:22)
Drag and Drop with the Asset Browser (1:01)
Use Collections and parented objects in the Asset Browser (1:01)
Asset Browser: How to mark Node Groups as Assets (1:01)
Drag-and-drop Decals from the Asset Browser (1:01)
Node Groups (0:46)
Concept Art Workflow - Trace image to Grease Pencil (0:54)
Linking Characters (0:55)
Recover Lost Blend-Files (0:48)
Purge All Orphan Data (1:09)
Custom Startup Settings (0:30)
Import SVG vectors with colors intact (0:50)
Import Sketchup models (0:39)
Workflow tip: Linked Libraries (0:57)
Editing Linked Libraries (0:44)
Copy Rotation with Copy Attributes Add-On (1:28)
Get 6000 free assets and an Asset Manager with Blenderkit (1:01)
Switching between different cameras (0:35)
Stored Views (0:32)
Snapping and Origin transform shortcuts (0:45)
Using Simplify, Camera Culling and Clipping Regions (0:57)
High Quality Eevee Viewport by Default (0:52)
Interface Tips
Quickly Switch Objects While Sculpting and Texture Painting (0:45)
3 ways to isolate objects (0:37)
Hide Everything Except Selected (0:04)
Isolation Mode (0:58)
Simplify Setting (0:34)
Copy Objects From One Blender Window To Another (0:20)
Hold CTRL To Snap Objects (0:23)
Viewport Visibility Tips (1:32)
Quad View Toggle (0:24)
Zoom To Selected (0:50)
Toggle Fullscreen or Maximize Area (0:28)
Quick Favorites (0:51)
Quickly Find Objects In The Outliner (0:40)
Snap to orthographic view (0:25)
Random Object Colors in the viewport (1:39)
Colorful Wireframes (0:20)
Incrementing your file names (0:21)
Retopology visibility tips (0:37)
Node labels and colors (0:47)
More Node Tips! (0:48)
Even more Node Tips! (0:26)
Set in- and out-points in the timeline (0:22)
Grid snapping (0:59)
Draw select and lasso select (0:46)
Align objects to camera view (0:42)
Interface scaling (0:55)
Scaling Tips (4:20)
Blender UI Value scrolling (0:39)
Auto smooth all objects at once (1:01)
Lock to 3D cursor (0:38)
A Couple of Interface tips (0:26)
Maximum undo & Picker shortcut (0:22)
Swap interface windows (0:25)
How to hide lights in Eevee (0:41)
Eevee Viewport Color Management (0:58)
Outdated Topics (but maybe still interesting)
Blender 2.8/2.9 Keyboard Shortcuts (1:15)
Blender in VR with Blender XR Marui and Oculus Quest 2 (1:28)
Blender Fracture Modifier Build - Quick Start (1:30)
Fracture Modifier: Use Constraints (1:58)
Fracture Modifier: Helper Add-on (1:51)
Fracture Modifier: Splinters (1:13)
Import Fracture Modifier sim with smoke in Eevee (0:59)
Tear Cloth With Fracture Modifier (1:27)
Faster Render Speeds By Rendering Separate Layers (1:54)
Randomize Grain (0:20)
Teach online with
N-Gon and Subdiv modeling Tips
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